the experience
01.10 WFS MLK Celebration
01.16 AHA Big Bottle
01.18 PISD MLK Diversity Celebration
01.19 WFS Commissioner Meeting
02.01 AHA GRFW Women of Impact Kickoff
02.07 TECHALLIES Trinity Industries
02.10 PISD SKI Plano
02.12 Teresa Riojas
02.15 AHAFW Executives with Heart
02.21 TECHALLIES Peer Focused February
02.26 TECHALLIES Mentor Workshop (Austin)
02.27 ABBOTT ID NTM Conference
03.01 AHAFW Go Red for Women Luncheon (w/ dm)
03.07 WFSNCT Awards Lunch
03.08 AHA Go Red for Women Luncheon
03.20 ABBOTT CM NTM Conference
03.21 DSGD World Down Syndrome Day
03.22 Merrill Lynch lunch
03.22 TECHALLIES Mentor Program
03.23 RISE Touchdown Club BBQ
03.24 AHA Chef Reveal Reception
03.29 AHA Lotting
04.02 WFS Construction Career Day
04.06 Alzheimer's Assoc of North Texas Gala
04.07 AHA Lotting 2
04.10 AHA GRFW Women of Impact Awards
04.11 PISD Salute to Service
04.11 TECHALLIES Mentor Program (asl)
04.12 MMI lunch
04.18 AHAFW Cycle Nation
04.23 PISD Leadership & Ambassador Graduation
04.24 TECHALLIES Networking Reception April
04.27 Maria Quinceañera
04.28 PISD 2nd Annual Youth Leadership Summit
05.02 LUXE Houston Battle of the Chefs
05.04 AHAFW Heart Ball
05.09 BLDR Charity Event
05.09 PISD Teacher of the Year w/ asl
05.10 Tech CXO Program
05.14 CARTER Client Appreciation at DMA
05.14 PISD Partners in Education
05.15 AHA CycleNation
05.23 TECHALLIES Networking Reception May
05.25 Andre 50th
06.07 AHAFW Founders Day
06.12 JA Dallas Annual Celebration
06.18 TECHALLIES Networking Reception June
06.21 Mike Gathright 50
06.24 ARTC Big Brother/Sister
06.27 CARTER Scholarship Presentation
07.03 CARTER Scholarship Reunion
07.30 Legacy Bank & Trust Plano opening
07.31 Legacy Bank & Trust Dallas opening
08.01 PISD Back to School
08.28 Forest Forward SIL lunch
08.28 TECHALLIES Networking Reception Aug
09.05 WFS You're Hired!
09.12 PISD Arts Inspire (asl)
09.12 Shriner Headshots
09.19 LUXE Sub-Zero Dallas
09.21 ONCOR Heart Walk w/ (asl)
09.25 WFS Texas Career Day
09.27 ICAA John Staub Reception
09.28 John Staub Awards
10.03 TCF Rocktoberfest
10.07 Kidlinks Energy Golf Tournament
10.10 RISE Roundup
10.16 TECHALLIES Networking October
10.16 WFS Awards
10.18 TECHALLIES UTD Networking
10.23 SVP Big Bang!
10.24 MMI Civic Leadership
10.25 LUXE Kips Bay
10.26 For the Love of Art (asl)
10.26 LLS Light the Night
11.03 Zara One
11.06 WFS Red, White, and You
11.08 PISD Grant Patrol (w/ asl)
11.09 TECHALLIES Tech Ball (w/ asl)
11.14 RISE TDC Black Tie Brawl
11.14 TECHALLIES Circuit of the Americas
11.16 LAKEWOOD Fitness & Health Festival
11.19 Elegant Additions showroom
11.20 Forest Forward Shaping the Future
12.03 RISE TDC Christmas Party
12.03 TECHALLIES UTD Ceremony
12.05 AHAFW Hats for Hearts
12.06 DSGD Boots & Bowties
12.06 SMU Tech CxO Graduation
12.07 DSGD Cookies w/ Santa
12.12 Double Eagle Forum Xmas Lunch
12.14 CLAY Christmas
12.28 Classe 50th Anniversary
© james edward